Prince Andrew must face the lawsuit accuser of sex abuse: US judges – News2IN

Prince Andrew must face the lawsuit accuser of sex abuse: US judges

Written by news2in

New York: The US judge has refused the offer by Prince British Andrew to stop Virginia Giuff’s lawsuit which accused the Duke of York of York sexually abusing him when he was 17 years old and traded by the deceased investors Jeffrey Epstein.
In a decision published on Wednesday, US district judge Lewis Kaplan in Manhattan said that it was premature to consider Prince’s efforts to give doubts about Giuffe’s claim that he hit him and intentionally caused his emotional pressure, even though he would be permitted to do the experiment.
Kaplan said it was also too fast to decide whether Giuff and Epstein intended to free people like Andrew from the completion of Giuffe 2009’s demands on financially late.
Lawyers for Andrew and Giuffe did not immediately respond to a comment request.
The decision cleared the road for the Giuffe case against Andrew to remain on track for the trial that Kaplan said could begin later this year.
While Prince was not accused of making a criminal mistake, his relationship with Epstein had damaged his reputation and made him a lot of royal tasks.
Andrew has denied Giuffe’s allegations that he forced him to have more than two decades in London’s house from the former Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell association, and harassed it in two other Epstein properties.
Kaplan said the language of “chaotic” in the settlement of Giuffe and 2009 Epstein showed that they might have arrived in “something from the middle road” on whether Andrew or other people in the same position would be protected from the demands of law in the future.
“We don’t know what, if any, go through the minds of the parties,” Kaplan wrote.
“The parties have articulated at least two reasonable interpretations of critical language.
Therefore the agreement is ambiguous.” The settlement agreement can limit the plaintiff such as Giuffre from pursuing further litigation, even against third parties.

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