Print a short-term cash solution: box – News2IN

Print a short-term cash solution: box

Print a short-term cash solution: box
Written by news2in

Mumbai: Banker veteran Uday Box said that the central bank scored money for a long time can be dangerous.
The box, which has six months ago called the RBI to expand the balance sheet, saying that print money was only a short-term solution.
Hinning the need for normalization, the box said in tweets that the central bank and sovereignty globally have one drug for all problems – print money.
This distorts values ​​and values.
“Like climate change, it is a matter of future generation.
We need to solve it, not kicking cans.
The future is here.
The future now,” said the box.
In May, the box called on the printing of money as a relief behind the second wave of malignant pandemic.
“If not now, then?” The box said.
Explain changes in the attitude, the box word in the next tweet, “six months ago in May was a specific crisis of Covid 2.0, which requires ‘steroids’ while.
Global policy makers use the same drug for all situations since 2008.
Steroids taken for a long time Dangerous.
“The box is the second senior banker to show how the excess liquidity is a distorted value.
Last month, Chairman of SBI Dinesh Khara had warned that there was a credit risk of credit because of excess liquidity.

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