Private school loses peg learning at 45% due to closure – News2IN

Private school loses peg learning at 45% due to closure

Private school loses peg learning at 45% due to closure
Written by news2in

PANAJI: The closure of prolonged schools in Goa is estimated to have caused a loss of learning at least 45% in all institutions in the state.
This loss is much higher, in almost 70%, in the case of rural schools, according to all government Goa recognizes the Unaid School Association (Agrusa).
The founding president of the Association, Deepak Khait, said children lost learning through social interaction due to school closure.
He said that even though experts expressed time and again that younger children were the most vulnerable to severe Covid-19 infection, the government had ordered the closure of the school to students from all classes.
“There are parents who are willing to send their children to school, but we cannot open school towards government guidelines.
Countries in Europe have declared Covid-19 outbreaks as endemic and flu.
Because of the closure of prolonged schools, small children Has forgotten learning habits.
The lack of structured learning has caused academic regression in children, “Khait said.
He said the teacher felt more difficult to make children interested in learning through online mode.
“Prolonged school closure is experiencing adverse physical, mental and emotional impact on children.
The teacher said students had slipped into a comfortable zone at home and learning did not occur as desired.
Online education has not been redagogically meaningful for most children, “He said.
The National Coalition of Emergency Education, National Collaboration of the Private School Association, has stated that it is related to the government in the closing of the Goa ordering school for students from class VII to XII after the Covid-19 case has increased.
“We noted with concerns, that the government considers or plans the closing of the school as the Covid-19 case is increasing.
Delhi, Goa and Haryana have ordered the closing of the school.
It will spell disaster for children,” he said.
“School lockowns will be very damaging our children, and that too, in the long run.
Maintaining open schools is needed to reduce this serious damage and continue the learning process.
Schools must be the last of close and the first open.”

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