Pro-Iran Hash Iraq took the center stage in the software power game – News2IN

Pro-Iran Hash Iraq took the center stage in the software power game

Pro-Iran Hash Iraq took the center stage in the software power game
Written by news2in

Basra: Strong fighters from former Shia Iraqi Al-Shaabi Syarbritari organization are looking for new roads to mobilize their influence.
Dubbed “The Biggest Theater Production in Iraq”, Pro-Iran Hash Integrated into Government Forces In 2019 has been seeking a prisoner’s audience in the poor Muslim City Basra in South Iraq.
The events of playing stretching from the beginning of time in Garden Eden to a newer event, especially the murder of Washington from Iranian General Qasem Soleimani and Deputy Leader Hashed Abu Muhandis.
His Iran Director, said Ismailile, it is clear that the game center on the concept of “fair and unfair”.
Iran and its allies in the Middle East in the past few days held an emotional warning for Soleimani and Muhhandis, who was killed in a US drone attack in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad on January 3, 2020.
The Iranian President Relisi has given revenge against former US President Donald Trump unless he was tried For the murder of a respected commander.
In Basra, the game was introduced as a “joint production between Iraq and Iran artists”, featuring 140 actors, special effects, and even horses and camels.
– Soft war – on stage, Devil teases Adam to bite the forbidden fruit surrounded by smoke lumps.
Other scenes, set Aeon later, featuring Battle of Karbala, Shiism founder event.
Then, the shot crunching because the actor took the role of jihadists dressed in black from the group of Islamic countries, which descended from pick-up trucks that bear the group black flag.
But they are not suitable for hash fighters.
Flary fur exploded at the scene and, in the end, the game showed the hash and Iraqi troops that appeared as winners.
Formed in 2014 after the fatwa of the highest Shiite Authority Iraq, Ayatollah Ali Sistani, hash who played a key role in defeat was with Iraqi forces supported by the US-headed coalition.
In the years since Iraq announced “victory” in the group by the end of 2017, hash has obtained a fairly large social and political influence, especially through its political arm, the Fatah Alliance (Conquest).
This organization has its own media outlet, film production and even soccer teams and basketball.
The HASH Duel accused acting on behalf of Iran, and Fatah’s political influence was damaged by a relatively bad performance in the October election with a group that accused the poll being damaged by “fraud”.
“From the point of view of the cold war, our weapons must always be ready,” the director said.
But Ismaili also refers to “soft war”, takes place through “cultural and artistic space”.
This drama helps hashing telling his story to people.
“There are people, our children for example, who don’t know certain things,” Ali Soueid’s audience said.
“They need something like this to understand what happens in battle how people are killed.”

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