Probe against male security mch for ‘assault’ on bystander – News2IN

Probe against male security mch for ‘assault’ on bystander

Written by news2in

Thiruvananthapuram: Health Minister Veena George has ordered an investigation of complaints conducted by an observer that Medical College Hospital security personnel (MCH) attacked him.
The Minister has asked the Director of Medical Education to submit a report on this matter.
The alleged incident occurred on Friday morning when Arun Dev of Chirayinkezhu had an argument with hospital security personnel while searching for the ward.
His grandmother underwent treatment at the hospital.
The video clip taken by other observers, who was waiting at the entrance, showed security personnel dragged the young man in the gate before attacking him.
Security personnel allegedly lock the gate from within after taking a young age inside.
It was also seen that more security people joined the alleged attack on young people in the gate.
With this video clip it became a large controversy, the government ordered an investigation of the incident.
Arun Dev said he had come with a valid bait to enter the ward, but security personnel took a bait from him and did not allow him to enter.
He accused three security people involved in the attack.
He has filed a complaint with the medical police too.
However, the hospital authority believes that observers have come on the back side of the ward and it is not an entrance for observers or patients.
This gate, opposite the old Mortuary, is only used by staff and doctors.
Meanwhile, during Covid time, patients and observers were allowed through this gate because Ward Covid was located at the main entrance.
But now it has returned to normal and this entrance is limited to patients and observers.
Security personnel argue that observers are asked to take bait visiting to enter the environmental block.
However, the observer did not want to be for it and signed a fight with them.
There was no action taken against security personnel when the hospital authorities said they were not hospital staff, but had been employed through agents who supply human strength.
The attack on the doctor in another incident, two young men released an attack on the doctor and staff of Kollam District Hospital on Friday.
Abu Sifiyan Panmana and Sujit Ramankangara have been arrested by the police for the attack.
The two men were taken to the district hospital after they were injured in an accident on the road in the Sakthikulangan.
However, during treatment they attacked the doctor.
Duo even destroys hospital equipment.
When the police reached the hospital, the duo even attacked the police team.
Both were arrested by police based on complaints given by the doctor.

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