Progressive decrease in Covid-19 cases in the Northeast: Union Minister Jitendra Singh – News2IN

Progressive decrease in Covid-19 cases in the Northeast: Union Minister Jitendra Singh

Progressive decrease in Covid-19 cases in the Northeast: Union Minister Jitendra Singh
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Union Minister Jitendra Singh said on Saturday said there was a progressive decline in the Covid-19 case in all eight northeastern states but warned that the decrease in active cases must be followed by a greater boost in vaccination and relevant protocol obedience.
At a review meeting with the Secretary of Health of all eight northeastern states – Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura and Singh expressed satisfaction that they pursued behind the decline in keposititist assess.
Meghalaya is the only exception to witness a surge because of the Covid-19 case in a prison in the RI-BHOI district, he said.
There was a progressive decline in the case of Covid-19 in all eight northeastern states, the minister added.
Singh, the Minister of Comparative for the Development of the North Eastern Region (Doner), told that in the northeastern region, the level of progress, which was 3.96 percent on June 30, has dropped to 2.94 percent on 2.
It is in harmony with the national average Decreased from 2.34 percent on June 30 2.09 percent on July 2, said an official statement.
All eight countries told the minister that they took routine steps to defeat the second wave of pandemic, and at the same time, add health infrastructure with the support of the central government and the Ministry of Doner.
The Minister warned that the decline in active cases must be followed by a greater impulse in vaccination and strict obedience to the Covid-19 protocol.
Singh said he had a constant touch with all eight major ministers of the region, and any assistance was sought by countries that were immediately provided by the center.
The minister noted the issue of supply of Nagaland and Manipur vaccines and directed officials of the Ministry of Health Union to overcome the same thing urgently.
Singh said that in the last wave of pandemic, northeast remained relatively not affected by Coronavirus compared to other countries.
Some states like Sikkim do not have a single covid single case throughout the locking period in the first wave, he added.
But on the contrary, this year, North Eastern countries have witnessed a significant increase in the case of Covid-19.
In May, during its peak in the case of Coronavirus in the region, Singh had a high-level meeting after considerable media attention.
He has directed officials to find a way to ensure that the increasing graph of Coronavirus positive cases in various northeastern countries began to decline or smoothing.
The Minister has suggested that strict steps can be implemented, in addition to testing and contacting contacts.
Singh said he took daily updates from all eight countries about the prevalence of Covid-19 and the health and infrastructure facilities needed to fight pandemics effectively.

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