‘Prohibition of firecrackers to continue in Delhi’ – News2IN

‘Prohibition of firecrackers to continue in Delhi’

'Prohibition of firecrackers to continue in Delhi'
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The ban on blankets explodes from firecrackers in the national capital will continue, a senior Delhi official official Delhi said on Monday after the Supreme Court set aside the Calcutta High Court order fully prohibits sales and use of crackers in West Bengal during Puja times, Diwali and other festivals.
National Green Tribunal On December 2, 2020, directed that there will be a total ban on sales and use of all types of firecrackers during the Covid-19 pandemic in the NCR and all cities and cities in the country where the quality of the ambient quality falls under the “poor” category And above.
A senior official Delhi pollution control board said there was no discussion or a plan to allow green certified firecrackers in Delhi and “blanket prohibition will continue”.
“Delhi has recorded ‘poor’ to the quality of ‘very air’.
So, it’s important to have a complete ban on firecrackers,” he said.
Minister of Justice Arvind Kejriwal has announced a ban on September 15, said it was “important to save lives”.
Then, on September 28, Delhi’s pollution control committee ordered a complete ban on the sale and outbreak of firecrackers in the national capital until January 1, 2022.
On Monday, the Supreme Court specialty consisting of judges, “said Ajay Rastogi,” there is no complete ban on on firecrackers.
Strengthen the mechanism to monitor and see that abuse is stopped.
“It adds that this is not a new problem and it is an executive that must receive a telephone.

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