Protests erupted in Gwadar against belts and Chinese road plans – News2IN

Protests erupted in Gwadar against belts and Chinese road plans

Protests erupted in Gwadar against belts and Chinese road plans
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The Backlash Against China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) grows in Pakistan.
This week, protesters blocked the road, burning tires, shouting slogans to severe water and electricity shortages and threats to the livelihood in Gwadar, The Guardian reported.
Gwadar, a coastal city at Balochistan, is the culmination of the China-Pakistani economic corridor (CPEC).
China was involved in the development of Gwadar Port in the Arabian Sea as part of the China-Pakistani economic corridor worth $ 60 billion, which was part of the belt infrastructure project and China Road.
“We have protested and rally against Chinese trawls, and lack of water and electricity for more than a month now.
But the government has never paid attention to our demands.
We must observe complete closure strikes and we are attacked by district administration.” Faiz Nigori said, a person Local political workers.
Two people were injured when the authorities cracked down the protesters in Gwadar, the report said.
A large number of Chinese experts and workers are employed in Gwadar and surrounding areas to complete various projects under CPEC.
In the past few months, there has been an increase in terror attacks that target Chinese citizens at Balochistan and Karachi who work on the China-Pakistan economic corridor project and for private companies.
Suicide bombers targeting vehicles carrying Chinese citizens in Gwadar killing two children and injuring three on Friday, police said.
The suicide explosion occurred in East Bay Road at Gwadar Port.
National China suffered a minor injury, a police statement said “Two children have been killed and three injured in the attack,” said Liaquat Shahwani, a spokesman for the Balochistan government.
The Balochistan Liberation Army, a separatist militant organization, claimed responsibility for the attack.
At least 13 people, including nine Chinese, were killed in a terrorist attack on Khyber Pakhtunkhwa turbulent last month.
The bus that brought engineers and Chinese workers to the Dasu Dam site under construction exploded on July 14.
The bus fell into a deep ravine after an explosion in Kohistan Regency above.
Pakistan initially said the accident was caused by technical problems and then the explosion occurred due to gas leakage.
Then, it was pulled from the previous seat and admitted it was a terrorist attack.
Chinese citizens were also attacked in Karachi last month when they were sacked by gunmen from a moving vehicle.
(With input from agency)

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