Proxy The results of the ‘Forever War’ Pakistan ‘policy in Afghanistan – News2IN

Proxy The results of the ‘Forever War’ Pakistan ‘policy in Afghanistan

Written by news2in

Islamabad: Pakistani policy for more than half a century in pursuing a strategic depth when planning for the recent invasion to Afghanistan has peaked in several years of diplomacy of directness which resulted in Pakistani generals who manage to reinstall their proxy in Kabul, said the latest analysis.
Creating a variety of new vulnerabilities even for their own country, Pakistan during this entire period, which includes the US withdrawal from the region in 1989 and the presence of Western forces from 2001 to 2021, the US has misused the strategic intention of Pakistan.
Chris Alexander, former Minister of Cabinet, MPs, and Diplomats from Canada wrote in the eyes of Europe on radicalization which after the defeat of Pakistan by India in conventional warfare in 1971 leading their military establishment to depend on the policy of “strategic depth” which depends more on them Trying to dominate their western side with irregular warfare, support for terrorism and “global jihad.” He added that the strategic focus of this policy was Afghanistan for fifty years.
By doing so, the US has done its own very large national interest, while damaging NATO’s ally trust.
By failing to see forests for trees, and by delaying calculations with Pakistan for this threat to international peace and security, Biden and three of its predecessors since 9/11 have confused the US and the main allies of a very important problem strategically.
“For a decade of half a century, Pakistan has the US as a strategic allies and funding sources because it is involved in irregular warfare through proxy against the Soviet Occupation of Afghanistan.
During these two decades (from 2002 to 2021), Pakistan controlled the main channels and communication airways and supply for US forces based in Afghanistan, effectively preventing any mutual effort to map or end Pakistani support for groups that fight US and Afghan troops, “Chris who is the first Canadian population.
Ambassador to Afghanistan said.
He added that in other words, even when giving comprehensive support to leading terrorist groups, the Pakistani military has considered himself and remains a US allies de facto for most of the period has considered a proxy war in Afghanistan.
Even after the effective US withdrawal from the region in 1989, Pakistan relied on the principle of “positive symmetry” arranged by the State Secretary of George Schultz in a letter to his Soviet partner on March 30, 1988 to justify his sustainable military support for the Mujahideen, Al-Qaeda, Taliban, and other proxies fighting in Afghanistan.
By stating that Pakistani support for the Taliban and other proxies caused the death of around 3,500 US, other NATOs, and members of the Mitra military for twenty years after 2001, the author noted that the US failed to see the forest for the trees.
“US policy consistently pursues gradual changes with Pakistan without dealing with strategic reality.
In particular the US approach to Pakistan fails at three levels: (1) it is less estimated to determine the Pakistani military to regulate the Taliban to Afghanistan; (2) it does not assess the creation of Tehrik- I-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) at the end of 2007 and the Khorasan Province of the Islamic State (ISUKP) in 2014 as a means for this purpose; and (3) it ignores the influence of a small group.
General is done ideologically, “he said further.
Meanwhile, after concluding that the US was quite disturbed by the invasion that will come to Iraq, Pakistani military leaders made strategic calculations to restart military operations in Afghanistan.
Iraq’s invasion starts on March 19-20.
One week later, the Swiss-Salvador International Committee from the Red Cross Delegation (ICRC) Ricardo Mapuri was killed in the Province of Oruzgan Afghanistan about the command of Mullah Dadullah Akhund, the Taliban commander in South Afghanistan.
During the rest of 2003 and so on, the Taliban military attacks in the south increased rapidly, the analysis said.

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