PUCL demands FIR in the case of ‘fake encounter’ in Lelarar – News2IN

PUCL demands FIR in the case of ‘fake encounter’ in Lelarar

Written by news2in

Ranchi: The People’s Union Jharkhand Unit for Civil Liberties (PUCL) has written to the Secretary of the Head of State and the Director General of Police (DGP) to recognize the complaint submitted by one Jiramani Devi, the wife of the late Brahmadev Singh, and to order filing firmly against security personnel for ” Kill “Brahmadev on June 12 this year.
Brahmadev died of gunshot wounds in the Laterhar District Piri Forest and security personnel claimed that the deceased was extremist and killed during the “meeting”.
Pucl has also appealed to the government to start an investigation of the Department of Police and CRPF personnel who came out on anti-naxal operations and were involved in “murder.
They also demanded to submit cases to Vice President of the State of CBI Pucl Shashi Sagar Versa said several fact search teams , who visited the piri forest after the “meeting” reported, had concluded that security officers had opened fire on the innocent villagers where Brahmadev Singh was killed.
“Unfortunately, a case has been registered against the villagers to put them under coercion while Jiramani complaints Devi It has not been changed to pure, “Verma said.
Verma said family members from the deceased and villagers had filed a written complaint against the officers in the presence of the Police Station and SP Tertaktar.
So far, the police have not acted on their complaints.” A representation was also done on D.
C, Like, by Jharkhand Janadhikar Mahasabha, an umbrella organization from several civil rights groups, seeking immediate action against officials accused, but ignored over the past three months, “he said.
Along with the appeal, PUCL has also completed a copy of the media report on June 13 which illustrates the incident as a case of shooting by security officers on villagers along with detailed fact search reports from Mahasabha.

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