Pune: Duo Float & Dupe 22 car rental scheme; ordered – News2IN

Pune: Duo Float & Dupe 22 car rental scheme; ordered

Pune: Duo Float & Dupe 22 car rental scheme; ordered
Written by news2in

Pune: Police Loni Kalbhor on Friday ordered two men suspected of deceiving 22 people more than Rs 2.5 Crore in a fake car rental scheme.
In accordance with the FIR registered by one of the car owners, Avinash Kadam from Phursungi, the duo runs fraud between March 15 and July 27, where they promise big profits if the victims rent their cars to private companies in Noida, Uttar Pradesh.
Fraud was found when the duo – one of which claimed to be a retired army – lost by vehicle; The car owner never gets the promised advantage and loses their car.
Kadam told Tii that he had acquainted with the duo when they traveled in a taxi in March.
“They teased me by claiming the road infrastructure company in Noida wanted a large fleet of cars based on rent.
I signed an agreement with they rented my car because my taxi business was not fine and I was looking for extra income,” said Kadam.
Kadam said he introduced the suspect to other taxi drivers and became acquainted and helped them secure 20 cars to meet the needs of a car called the company.
“I helped them secure seven more cars ‘based on rent’, this time for a company that should be based in the Marathawada region,” added Kadam.
He said the duo promised to start payment after two months.
“After chasing them for two months, they finally paid us Rs 5.5 lakh.
They then gave me a copy of the check for Rs 50 Lakh, but until now we have not received the actual amount,” said Kadam.
After repeatedly trying to get their money without fruit, Kadam and his acquaintances went to Noida, where to find that no such company was in the address mentioned in the agreement.
“We realized that we had been cheated.
We borrowed money to meet the cost of our trip and returned to Pune.
I immediately approached Crime Branch and filed a complaint,” Kadam said.
28 Cars worth Rs 2.4 Crore, while the victims say they owe Rs 15 Lakh Rs.
Cases related to criminal violations of trust and cheating have been registered under 406, 409 and 34 of the Indian criminal code.
“The suspects removed the GPS system immediately after receiving the ship’s delivery.
They signed an agreement with several victims before fraud was revealed, we have formed a police team to track and arrest the earliest two men,” said Senior Inspector Ganesh Branch (Unit VI).

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