Pune: Maid Narcotics & Robs experienced elderly women – News2IN

Pune: Maid Narcotics & Robs experienced elderly women

Pune: Yerawada police plan to approach their colleagues in Hadapsar to find prisoners of a waiter, who allegedly been sedated and robbed his employer, a 73-year-old NRI woman who lived in Kalyaninagar, really worth RS8 0.08 lakh more than Two months ago.
The robbery was revealed on Saturday when NRI’s woman filed a complaint calling the 35-year-old waiter to anesthetize and rob it on June 29.
The complainant also provides a list of complicated ornaments from his home.
“The female family runs a business in South Africa, where her husband dies more than a year ago.
After her husband’s death, he moved to Pune and began living in a flat in the same building where his son lived.
His son took care of a family business in South Africa While his daughter was resolved in post-marriage Latin American countries, “Senior Inspector of Younus Shaikh from the Yerawada police station told TI.
Police Inspector Vijay Chavan, who was investigating this case, explained, “When we began to see this problem, we realized that the waiter had been detained at the Hadapansar Police Station in connection with the crime registered there.
We will look for his rights after our question is complete.” Vishal Patil’s Sub-Inspector quoted the complaint of the victim and stated, “The elderly woman suffered from various age-related diseases.
Your previous maid’s work and she had to rent a new waiter service through a woman, who worked with her as a masseuse.
The victim’s relatives have submitted a few The basic question to the new waiter before hiring it for the job.
“” After allegedly eliminating the removal, the bragers collected cash and gold ornaments from the closet and escaped from the house.
The next morning, the brother of the victim and his children saw the front entrance to an open apartment and find a sleep victim.
His brother Trying to wake him up, but he doesn’t respond.
Family members then took him to a private hospital at the Bund Garden Road, “said Patil.” The woman finally regained his senses on July 1 and realized that the golden bracelet, which he was wearing when the incident happened, and the gold ring lost.
On July 2, the woman and her relatives reached their apartment and checked the closet.
The jewelry was found missing, “said Sub-Inspector.
The police questioned the masseuse, which had introduced the helpers suspected of being a complainant, and recorded the last detail.” The victim took the time to report the problem to the police when he struggled to remember what ornaments Lost from the closet, “said Patil.

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