Pune plate ticket price hike flared increase – News2IN

Pune plate ticket price hike flared increase

Pune plate ticket price hike flared increase
Written by news2in

Pune: The decision of the Pune train division recently to increase the price of a platform ticket to RS50, from the previous RS10, to control the crowd has attracted leaves from residents.
“The ticket price of the platform is enhanced earlier this week and will be valid until February 14.
The idea is to prevent people from going to the platform in the middle of the Covid-19 case surge.
Many go to the platform without real purpose.
The crowd at the station has increased and needs to be controlled, “Manoj Jhawar, Public Division Public Officer, told TII.
The official said those who helped senior citizens, people with special needs and pregnant women, could buy platform tickets with increased tariffs from the counter.
“Officials at the counter will ask the ticket buyer about the urgency going to the platform and will only provide one ticket if the first is sure.
If the buyer does not have the problem above, the officer who comes to drop they will not be given a ticket even if he is ready to pay RS50,” Jhawar said.
Harsha Shah, Chairman of the Railroad Pravency Group, told Tii, “Full train.
Even the general compartment is full of social distance passengers will drop them.
Even healthy people will face problems if their servants are now permitted on the platform because many carry many luggage with them.
“Abhinaav Kumar (48), is scheduled to travel to Patna next week, say,” Often the platform where the train is Scheduled to arrive at the last moment.
In such a scenario, no officers will create a big problem for many passengers with luggage.
Passengers may look fit and are fine, but up and down the stairs with luggage are boring affairs.
Regulations need to be reviewed “Other train officials say they have tickets Confirmation will only be allowed on the platform.
“Passengers must try to reach the station at least one hour before the scheduled departure of their train or even before.
If they obey it, they should not have a problem in the train without officers.
The platform-platform has been very crowded lately.
We want to avoid the situation Fucked in the middle of a covid case surge.

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