Punjab: Bizmen to protest against PSPCL & it Is chairman – News2IN

Punjab: Bizmen to protest against PSPCL & it Is chairman

Punjab: Bizmen to protest against PSPCL & it Is chairman
Written by news2in

LUDHIANA: Trouble appears to be brewing for Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) as many businessmen have opted to stage a demonstration against division in Tuesday that overly within its own (PSPCL) Janta Nagar office.
The main reason behind the demonstration that will continue during the next week, is that the instances of unauthorised use of power (UUE) and hefty penalties worth several lakhs levied on dozens of vacationers that had been utilizing greater load inside their factories than approved loading.
An assembly of businessmen had been organised on Sunday from Janta Nagar Small Scale Manufacturers Association (JSMA) where strategy of the demonstration had been finalised.
Giving more info, Jaswinder Thukral, president JSMA stated,”We will organise a week long protest against the black action of PSPCL that has enforced penalties worth crores of rupees in complete on heaps of businessmen whose only real fault was that they had been conducting overload of electricity in their own factories.
Rather than charging penalties out of them to the duration for which they had been using more electricity, department levied penalties for a single year.
It’s truly sad that PSPCL slapped UUE instances on them that otherwise are enrolled when somebody is seen indulged in electricity theft or comparable offence” Thukral additionally included,”What’s even worse when we attempted to deliver this critical problem to the note of PSPCL Chairman A Venuprasad and hunted meeting him he denied and requested us to talk to him through videoconferencing but afterwards didn’t respond.
In aftermath of such scenario once the seniormost officer of this department isn’t prepared to follow the envy of this industrialists we’re left with no choice except for protest against the division” Based on Inderjit Singh GS,”The protest against PSPCL and its chairman is going to be held in Janta Nagar division of this department in June 15th until June 18th and keeping in view the covid19 scenario we’ve opted to organise the demonstration with restricted number of men and by 11 AM to 1PM each day.
President of JSMA Jaswinder Thukral will sit protest while four men sitting will sit spinning wise to be able to accommodate greatest men from the demonstration” Based on Amrik Singh Gharial, yet another industrialist,”Small vacationers whose electricity consumption is number of thousands rupees each month are levied penalties value lakhs by erroneously accusing them of conducting overload for whole calendar year.
This won’t be tolerated and should that after this protest that will last for all of the working days of PSPCL workplace that the penalties aren’t taken back then we’ll sit protest out headoffice of PSPCL in Patiala” Other vacationers gift on the event included Svinder Singh Hunjan, Rajinder Singh Kalsi, Pawan Kumar Dhand, Sumesh Kocchar, Ganga Ram Sharma, Harjit Singh Panesar, Manjit Pabbi, Darshan Singh, Swaran Singh Makkar, Harbhajan Singh Kainth, Pradeep Singh, Davinder Kumar.

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