Punjab: pests damage corn plants at 4,500 hectares in Ropar – News2IN

Punjab: pests damage corn plants at 4,500 hectares in Ropar

Punjab: pests damage corn plants at 4,500 hectares in Ropar
Written by news2in

PATIALA: Autumn Armyworm (FAW), pests that attack corn plants in Ropar Regency, have left more than 4,500 hectares of crops damaged from 50 to 100% in Block Nurpur Bedi, a survey completed in one block in the Ministry of Agriculture has revealed.
The Ministry of Agriculture has classified damage in four different categories.
It has found that plants at 2,053 hectares have been damaged 75 to 100% while 2,508 hectares have witnessed damage from 50 to 75%.
Trim in 452 hectares have witnessed damage from 0 to 25% when around 858 hectares witnessed damage to 25 to 50%.
The Ministry of Agriculture has succeeded in completing a survey in Block Nurpur Bedi, while the survey in the Anandpur Sahib block is underway and is expected to be completed in the next few days.
Officials in the Department said corn plants in 51 Block Nurpur Bedi Village were affected following pest attacks.
The pesticide sample used by farmers has been taken and sent for testing, but the report is awaited.
Veer Singh, Leader Kirti Kisan Morcha said, “Deputy Commissioner assured us to order Girdwari soon.
Both recommended pesticides and not recommended used by farmers have not worked to control FAW in corn plants which are usually sprinkled in June.
Some farmers have carried out sprays More than seven times to control FAW on one or two spray recommendations to kill FAW.
The quality of the pesticides used must also be examined and the material needs to be investigated thoroughly.
is the duty of the Ministry of Agriculture to oversee the shop owner and dealer that supplies pesticides to innocent farmers Unconsciously.
It is a well-known fact that this pesticide supplier does not provide bills to farmers and vice versa forces them to buy some more items.
“Veer Singh revealed that corn plants were planted after the wheat plants were harvested.
“Farmers are charged RS 2000 to Rs 3000 as a seed fee.
In one Acre 8 kg seeds sprinkled in Acre with a machine while around 12 kg seeds are needed to sow manual in the hectare.
The cost of corn seeds is rs 250 per kg.
Around Rs 1200 is spent on DAP and RS 1600 on Weedicide sprayed after 20 days sowing.
Similarly, Rs 500 was issued in urea while some farmers also spent to add zinc to their plants as a booster while insecticides were sprayed once or twice.
MSP corn plants are Rs 1850 per quintal but not There is a government purchase in Punjab.
Personal buyers buy corn results for Rs 800 to Rs 1000 per quintal so that they produce losses for farmers’

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