Punjab: The police operate for life because humans pushed the car into him to escape in Patiala – News2IN

Punjab: The police operate for life because humans pushed the car into him to escape in Patiala

Punjab: The police operate for life because humans pushed the car into him to escape in Patiala
Written by news2in

PATIALA: Police in Patiala were abandoned with damaged left legs after he was hit by a car, which had been stopped for security checks on independence day, on Saturday.
The driver, in an effort to escape, driving a car into a sub-inspector assistant (ASI) Suba Singh.
In the incident video that had become a viral, the police were seen standing in front of the car when the driver almost hit the fourth into him.
To avoid being hit by a car, the police had to run even when the car pushed him from behind.
The driver tried to run away, but entered the police, who turned and began to run to the other side to avoid crashing into a four-wheeled police then turned left to save himself, but was hit at the side of the side of the car bumper.
He fell to the side and the left tire behind the vehicle passed him by driving on the police.
ASI changed to the left to get out of the way of the car, the incident happened near Leela Bhawan Chowk in Patiala.
Police said the defendant drove Dzire Swift with a registration number Haryana.
His left leg regarding the car bumper and he lost his left leg Balancasi Suba Singh had been cracked in the incident.
He was treated in a private hospital.
Patiala DSP Hemant Kumar said they had started the defendant’s search.
He was almost run by car again, but escaped “warning was heard, so the defendant might not cross the district border,” he said.
A deep speed car made the police injured on Jalan DSP added they did not suspect terrorist activity in the incident, but had started an investigation and will soon be accused.

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