Qaada tarnished Afghanistan ‘victory’, said Kashmir next target – News2IN
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Qaada tarnished Afghanistan ‘victory’, said Kashmir next target

Qaada tarnished Afghanistan 'victory', said Kashmir next target
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Now Afghanistan has been “released” from the American occupation by the Taliban, Al-Qaida has asked the global Muslim community to “free” other Muslim land, put Kashmir on the next global jihad target list, but goes Xinjiang in China and Chechnya in Russia.
Able to “victory” Taliban over America, Global Terror Group calls for launching the next stage of “struggle, the way that has been paved by a challenging Afghanistan victory”.
Besides Kashmir, it chose Levant, or Mediterranean plots consisting of Iraq, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon; Maghreb Islam, or region in northwestern Africa consisting of Libya, Morocco, Algeria, Mauritania, Tunisia and Somalia; and Yemen as a priority.
“With God’s help, this historic victory will open the way for Muslims to achieve the release of the Tyranian despicable government that has been put in the West in the Islamic world,” said As-Sahab, the official media outlet of Al-Qaida’s core leadership in Pakistan.
Kashmir leaders stand out in the target list.
The last time Kashmir mentioned by Al-Qaeda was during the launch of the J & K outlet, Ansar Ghazwatul Hind, with a recognized destination to conquer India for Islam.
Xinjiang and Chech’s negligence, the two sites of alleged atrocities against Muslims, are believed to be more political.
China and Russia have come out in recent months to support the Taliban.
Al-Qaeda’s core leadership remained in Pakistan with Ayman al-Zawahiri as his head, and, when the statement explained, remained sensitive to the political requirements of their host – the Pakistani government.
The fact that Al-Qaida has refrained to mention two areas where Muslims reportedly targeted attractive.
Chechen, at the end of the recipient of Russian tough rules, forming a large number is fighters in Iraq and Syria while Muslims in Xinjiang remain many oppressed reports.
When the US emptied its presence in Afghanistan in the most messy way that can be imagined, China and Russia have united to not only criticize withdrawals but also support the Taliban.
It has extended to Pakistan too, which is now in informal grouping with China, Russia and even Turkish, as a philanthropist Taliban.
China and Russia worked together in UNSC on Tuesday because they were together Abstain at resolution of 2593.
Both countries objected to non-inclusion of IS and ETIM (East Turkestan Islamic movement) from Uighur’s settlement.
Russia objected to Afghan’s evacuation, called it “Brain Drain”, while China wants the United States to continue to live in Afghanistan to complete its mission.
The two countries called for UNFreezing Taliban assets by US and multilateral financial institutions.
Russia, of course, is interested in placing the Taliban as an “enemy” of the Islamic state-khorasan, hoping that the new regime in Kabul will help deal with the last.

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