Quiz Amazon App November 17 2021: Get answers to these five questions to win the AMAZON 10,000 balance balance – News2IN

Quiz Amazon App November 17 2021: Get answers to these five questions to win the AMAZON 10,000 balance balance

Quiz Amazon App November 17 2021: Get answers to these five questions to win the AMAZON 10,000 balance balance
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Amazon main e-commerce returns with another round of the daily application quiz.
The daily application quiz from Amazon allows users to win attractive prizes.
To win prizes, the participants must answer five simple general knowledge-based questions.
As part of a quiz today, e-tailer gives you the opportunity to win the Amazon Payment Balance of Rs 10,000.
Winners will be able to use this balance to pay bills, recharge and also to shop at Amazon.
You only need to answer five simple questions to win this gift money.
Each of the five questions consists of four options and you must choose the correct answer.
The quiz winner will be chosen by Amazon through the Lucky lottery method at the end of the day.
The participants must answer all five questions correctly to be part of a lucky lottery.
To participate in the Amazon App application, make sure you have an updated application version.
Quiz will stay alive until 12 at night.
So, here are the five questions from Amazon App Quiz today: November 2 is celebrated as an international day to end the impunity for crimes against groups of people? Journalists, the center sent a team to Uttar Pradesh after an Indian air force officer was tested positive for what a virus? Zika Virus, who is a man from the match as Pakistan defeats India for the first time at the T20 World Cup in Dubai? Shaheen Shah Afridi What is the first feature animated film released by this company? Snow White and Seven Country Dwarves who spend most of this food per capita? Swiss

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