‘Rahul deliberately revealed the identity of the rape victim – News2IN
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‘Rahul deliberately revealed the identity of the rape victim

'Rahul deliberately revealed the identity of the rape victim
Written by news2in

The main controversy has erupted on the Micro Blogging Twitter site that blocked the Rahul Gandhi Congress account.
The action was taken to be reported because he revealed the identity of the nine-year-old Delhi girl was allegedly raped and killed by posting photos of his parents.
BJP in power slammed Rahul Gandhi to “violate” the protection of children from the acts of sexual violations (Pocso).
It also asks the National Commission for Children’s Rights Protection (NCPCR) to acknowledge things and start actions.
Speaking exclusively to Kumar Shakti Shekhar, Chairman of NCPCR Priyank Kanoongo admitted that the panel had issued a notice to Delhi and Twitter police.
Quotes from Interviews: Q: Congress has alleged that Twitter handle Rahul Gandhi was blocked on August 7 because he revealed the identity of rape victims.
What is the role of the NCPCR in it? A: We accept complaints from an organization called Positive Dalit movements in this matter.
We sent notifications to police Delhi and Twitter to take action against the Handle Rahul Gandhi and delete the Tweet.
Q: Is the Twitter account Rahul Gandhi is blocked because of the notifications you send to Delhi and Twitter police? A: I will not be able to confirm that because we have not received actions taken from both institutions.
We can authenticate only after receiving the actions taken.
Q: Where is the land where NCPCR sent notifications to Delhi and Twitter police? A: NCPCR has a mandate to monitor and protect the rights of children under the provisions of the Pocso Law and the Justice of Youth (Child care and protection).
We understand complaints and notifications issued under this law.
Q: Congress has accused the delegation of the National Commission on Scheduled Castu (NCSC) visited the victim and tweeted photos with his parents on August 2.
Then, members of the NCSC Anju Bala tweeted from his personal handle.
Rahul Gandhi posted his photo with parents on 4.
While the Congress leader account has been blocked, there are no actions taken against NCSC or its members.
Why? A: NCPCR acts after receiving complaints.
We sent notifications to the police Twitter and Delhi after we received the complaint.
Rahul Gandhi deliberately revealed the identity of the parents of the girl.
However, we have not observed such violations from NCSC.
However, this problem is sub-stitches in the Delhi High Court.
We now have to wait for the direction of the court.
As far as NCPCR, it is a legal entity.
The same law for all.

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