Rahul Gandhi made a comeback on Twitter, 10 days after opening – News2IN

Rahul Gandhi made a comeback on Twitter, 10 days after opening

Rahul Gandhi made a comeback on Twitter, 10 days after opening
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Ten days after Twitter opened the handle of Rahul Gandhi after the controversy over revealed the identity of a Delhi Minor who was suspected of being raped and killed with Congress using micro-blogging sites for the first time Tuesday.
In his first tweet in 18 days, Rahul Gandhi attacked the mod to the announcement of the National Monetization Pipeline (NMP) by Minister of Finance Nirmala Sitharaman on Monday.
Rahul Gandhi, in his Tweet in Hindi, said: “Rashtriya ‘Mitri’karan Yojana – road, train, airport, gas, gasoline, mining, stadium, and warehouse.” Earlier that day, at his press conference with the same problem, Rahul showed that the mod government benefited the party’s friends in power through NMP.
Since Twitter has blocked his handle on August 7, Rahul Gandhi has turned to other social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube to cross his view.
The controversy began after he visited the victim’s family on August 4 to entertain his family.
He convinced their assistance and raised this problem during the rainy season parliamentary session which concluded on August 11.
However, he also posted video clips and photos of victims’ parents on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
After the National Commission for Children’s Protection (NCPCR) Chairperson Priyank Kanoongo received complaints about alleged legal violations, legal entities issued notifications to Twitter after Handle Rahul Gandhi was locked on August 7 and several leaders came in supporting Rahul Gandhi and tweeted family photos victim.
Twitter then lock their handles and accounts too.
Twitter unlocked their handle on August 14 after the report appeared in the media section which showed that the victim’s mother had given its approval to Rahul Gandhi for their photo publication.
However, on August 17, the victim’s mother was seen telling another part of the media that she did not give approval to family photos published on Twitter.
This problem takes a new turn with BJP which demands that Twitter have to lock the profile of Rahul Gandhi again.
Meanwhile, NCPCR also complained to Facebook and Instagram to have the same post from Rahul Gandhi deleted.
Two social media platforms asked Congress to remove posts.
However, when they were not deleted, Facebook and Instagram took action and removed controversial posts.
Even though Twitter opened the handle Rahul Gandhi on August 14, he did not tweet since August 6, social media users began to speculate that he had boycotted or stopped Twitter.
However, he returned tweeting on Tuesday.

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