Raj Thinking Live Porn is the Future: Police – News2IN

Raj Thinking Live Porn is the Future: Police

Raj Thinking Live Porn is the Future: Police
Written by news2in

Raj Kundra at this time in police custody after he was arrested on charges of making pornographic content and publishing it.
Mumbai police have arrested 11 people in this case and actively investigated Raj Kundrra’s same relationship.
Now in accordance with the latest reports in the present time, Mumbai police have accessed some electronic evidence which implies that Raj Kundra believes that streaming directly from sexual acts is the future.
The next report quoted the sources of Mumbai Police who claimed that Raj Kundra planned to make his porn business as Bollywood.
Read Alsoraj Kundra Pornography Case: Official confirms no active role Shilpa Shetty
The Mumbai crime branch has named Kundra as a ‘key conspirator’ in a case involving the creation and publishing pornographic video through the application ‘HotShots’.
Police Commissioner with Mumbai (crime) Milind Bharambe has revealed that the free application to download has been withdrawn by Apple and Google PlayStore for the type of content.
Raj Kundra has said that he sold the ‘Hotshots’ for $ 25,000 in 2019.
However, it was also reported that Raj Kudrra and his brother-in-law based in the UK Pradeep Bakshi worked together in this application.
According to IANS, Raj is the owner of Vian Industries Ltd, while Pradeep Bakshi – A British citizen, who married Kundrra’s sister – was Chairman of Kenrin Ltd., London.
Both companies work on a mobile application called ‘Hotshots Digital Entertainment’, developed by Kenrin Ltd.
Raj Kundra reported supplying content and controlling British companies from the Vian Industrial Office.
Read the Alsoraj Kundra application sold to cover traces of porn, police said
Apart from Raj Kundra, Mumbai police also arrested him, it was called Ryan J.
Previously, nine people had been captured in this case, namely, Actress TV Gehna Vashisht, Yasmin R.
Khan, Monu Joshi, Pratibha Nalavade, M.
Atif Ahmed, Dipankar P.
Khannavis, Bhanusurya Thakur, Tanvesh Kamathmi, and Umesh Kamathmi.
Read Alsoraj Kundra, Global Global Porn Racket based in the UK: Police

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