Rajasthan: Women accuse brother-in-law rape in Sikar – News2IN

Rajasthan: Women accuse brother-in-law rape in Sikar

Rajasthan: Women accuse brother-in-law rape in Sikar
Written by news2in

Jaipur: A 28-year-old married woman allegedly raped by her 19-year-old brother in a village under the Balara Police Station area in Sikar.
Two days after receiving a complaint from the woman, the police had submitted FIR on Thursday and began an investigation into this problem.
Police stated that the Introduction Investigation suggested that the case was a little suspicious, but they were investigating the case in achievement and was waiting to record the woman’s statement.
According to the police, the woman was originally approaching the police on Tuesday who stated that her 19-year-old brother who was his cousin from her husband took her to Delhi a few months ago and raped him.
“In Fight, he increasingly accused that the defendant asked him to look after Ibum, he would kill his four-year-old son,” said a senior officer of the Balara Police.
The police stated that a few months ago the woman’s husband had filed a complaint of a lost woman.
“During that time we have found a woman from Delhi and in his statement, he stated that he went wouldingly with his brother-in-law.
If he was raped while living in Delhi, it must be investigated now.
We have taken the woman for a medical examination and is now waiting 164 statements CRPC women in this matter, “said Babu Lal Meena, Station House Officer, the Balara Police Station.
The police stated that the woman had been fighting with the case of dowry abuse against her husband, mother and others.
“He accused his brother-in-law rape.
The problem is being investigated after he complained.
We have submitted a case in the right IPC,” Meena said.
(The identity of the victim has not been disclosed to protect his privacy in accordance with the direction of the Supreme Court about cases related to sexual violence)

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