Rakbar Khan lynching: Vishwa Hindu Parishad leader held – News2IN

Rakbar Khan lynching: Vishwa Hindu Parishad leader held

Rakbar Khan lynching: Vishwa Hindu Parishad leader held
Written by news2in

ALWAR: Nearly 3 years later 31-year-old Rakbar Khan was murdered allegedly by men and women who promised to be stunt vigilantes, the Alwar authorities investigating the situation on Thursday detained an associate in Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) Nawal Kishor Sharma.
Sharma had intimated the authorities and introduced Rakbar into the place where he had been lynched.
Authorities at its chargesheet had abandoned identification against Sharma and he’s detained today.
“Yes, he’s been detained following incriminating evidence plus also a lengthy investigation into the subject,” explained Tejashwini Gautam, superintendent of government, Alwar.
On July 20, 2018,” Khan a resident of Haryana, was murdered in Alwar while that he had been hauling cows into his own village Kolgaon.
He’d bought cows out of Ladpura.
He had supposedly bought the cows in the Ladpura village and has been shooting the cows into their house via a forest place in proximity to Lalawandi village after he had been assaulted by the gang.
Authorities had previously chargesheeted four men and’d abandoned evaluation pending against Sharma.

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