Rakesh Asthana took allegations as Delhi Police Commissioner – News2IN
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Rakesh Asthana took allegations as Delhi Police Commissioner

Rakesh Asthana took allegations as Delhi Police Commissioner
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Rakesh Asthana, Senior IPS officer Gujarat cadre, took over as Police Commissioner Delhi on Wednesday.
He was given a guardian of the honorary ceremony by the police on his arrival at the Delhi police headquarters at Jai Singh Marg here.
“I took over as a Delhi Police Commissioner today.
I believe in the basic concept of the police, namely, the maintenance of law and order, evil prevention is the basic thing we should do.
If these things are done correctly, peace is valid in the community.
Specific specific problems, where there is a separate SOP.
We will work so, “he told reporters.
Asthana also praised the city police for past shows and said that he hoped to work together with everyone to ensure the progress of the community.
“Delhi police have a brilliant past.
A lot of good work has been done by troops in the past.
Many complicated cases have been resolved.
Many complicated situations have been handled by Delhi Police.
I believe in team work and I hope with this team work, We will be able to place the best foot forward for the progress of the community and the prevalence of peace, “he underlined.
In a command issued on Tuesday, the Ministry of Home Affairs has said that asthana, who serves as the Director General of the Border Security Forces will join as the Delhi Police Commissioner with direct effects.
His appointment came only a few days before his retirement on July 31.
He will have a one-year term.
This is one of the few examples of an IPS officer outside the cadre Arunachal Pradesh-Mizoram and Union Territory (Agmut) has been appointed as Delhi police chief.
IPS Batch 1984 officers, Asthana previously served as Special Director of the Central Investigation Bureau (CBI).
During his duty in the CBI, he was involved in an unpleasant saliva with the CBI director then Alok Verma with both of them leveled allegations of corruption against each other.
Senior IPS Officer Balaji Srivastav was given an additional charges of the Police Commissioner (CP) Delhi after retiring S N Shrivastava at the end of June.
Hit in the middle of the IPS officer Gujare-cadre Rakesh Asthana as Commissioner of the Delhi Police, Congress on Wednesday said it was in the “direct contravention” of the Supreme Court assessment and asked if there was a “quid pro quo”.

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