Reddy Open To Make Pfizer Covid Pills After Merck Deal – News2IN

Reddy Open To Make Pfizer Covid Pills After Merck Deal

Reddy Open To Make Pfizer Covid Pills After Merck Deal
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Dr.
Laboratory Reddy, one of the handful of Indian drug companies licensed to make new Covid-19 pills developed by Merck, said on Monday it was open to making similar pills from Pfizer, considered more effective.
New drugs, which are not like vaccines can be used to treat patients once they contract Coronavirus infection, are expected to be a large market.
Merck has licensed to manufacturers in developing countries to ensure rapid global supply, and the company hopes that Pfizer will do the same.
“Yes, yes, of course,” Co-chairman and Managing Director Dr.
Reddy, G.V.
Prasad, told Reuters in an interview, when asked about making rival products from US companies.
Reddy remains open to all opportunities,” said a company spokesman separately.
Prasad said Dr.
Reddy, one of the largest drug makers in India, has not started talks with Pfizer before the US company looks for regulatory permits.
Reddy’s expects Indian drug regulators to approve Molnupiravir Merck as soon as the United States.
Britain and Bangladesh have permitted the drug, and India with 1.35 billion people can be a big market.
“India is also processing the application.
Merck also sent data here,” said Prasad.
“Approval is expected immediately after Merck gets approval in the US.” Molnupiravir, the Merck will market itself as Lagevrio, shown last month to divide two occasions for high risk Covid-19 patients dying or hospitalized.
The opportunity was cut by 89% for adults at risk of severe disease in the case of Pfizer, Paxlovid.
Other licensed Indian Molnupiravir manufacturers include Aurobindo Pharma, Cipla, Emcure Pharmaceuticals, Sun Pharmaceuticals, Torrent Pharmaceuticals and Hetero Labs.
Their agreement with Merck allows them to sell products in India and some other developing countries.
Merck has signed a contract to sell more than 6 million molnupiravir courses throughout the world.
Birxco Bangladesh’s pharmacy said last week would sell the drug version for 70 taka (82 cents) per capsule, or 2,800 taka ($ 33) for a full course.
Prasad said the request would dictate the production of Merck drugs, predict difficult battles between Indian companies.
“In the end, it will be a downward race, it will be very competitive,” he said.
“There isn’t much money to be made with these products.”

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