Registration dept sets up grievance control Area – News2IN

Registration dept sets up grievance control Area

Registration dept sets up grievance control Area
Written by news2in

CHENNAI: The enrollment section has put up a grievance management area.
It’s declared three helplines for people to complain about enrollment officials and problems within registrations via voice calls and WhatsApp.
According to an official press launch, individuals may complain of the state registration section’s grievance control area through helpline amounts 9498452110, 9498452120 along with 9498452130 throughout the office hours.
Minister for business taxes and enrollment Moorthy, who ran an overview of the enrollment section on Wednesday, said actions could be taken to the complaints at the first.
He cautioned that enrollment officials ought to be clear.
They ought to clarify all of the doubts about the public seeing registrations, ” he added.
Pointing out the statewide average coming of files on the afternoon of enrollment was 83 percent, it had been reduced in five zones such as Chennai.
Steps have to be started to return the records on exactly the identical day of enrollment, the Union added.

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