Relief for Bizmen: Amnesty GST scheme is extended until November 30 – News2IN

Relief for Bizmen: Amnesty GST scheme is extended until November 30

Written by news2in

Ludhiana: In a big breath for assessors and city tax practitioners, the GST amnesty scheme (where the punishment for the submission of a return late is released or reduced according to the case) has been extended for 30 November.
This development was welcomed in the city because several associations from employers and tax professionals had sent representations to the Ministry of Finance to extend the deadline, which was the beginning of August 31.
In addition, the deadline for applying for revocation canceled by the GST number has also been extended by one month to 30 September.
Stakeholders argue that the government must also return the cost of delay paid by the default appraiser to archive the return and pay the full cost.
Notification for the extension of the Amnesty scheme was issued by the Indirect Tax Center and Customs (CBIC) on Sunday.
Professional NK Thamman said, “Appraisers who have tax obligations but fail to submit GSTR-3B with the maturity date, the cost of delay is Rs 50 for every day of delay.
Likewise, the appraiser that does not have a tax obligation but fails to propose a return on GSTR-3B The due date, the cost of delay is Rs 20 for every day delay and maximum delay costs collected by Rs 10,000 per return.
But now under the amnesty scheme, the maximum delay costs have been limited to Rs 1,000 per return (where there are tax liabilities) and RS 500 per return (where there are nil obligations) for non-furniture grsr- monthly furniture or quarterly 3B on due date for the period July 2017 to April 2021, provided the return was submitted between June 1, 2021, and 30 November.
“Thamman said, “This decision has been brought to cleanse fat by their assessors who do not submit their beli delay M submitted their delay in return on May 31, 2021.
The government brought an amnesty scheme to increase GST compliance, but the original taxpayer would feel cheated, because they had compiled criminal provisions and deposited the cost of delay delay.
There was no notice for a late refund which was deposited by this original taxpayer, but the government must consider providing assistance to the appraiser as well.
“Kulpreet Malhotra, a unified member and ‘Manufacturer’ association, we just wrote to the Ministry of Finance to extend the GST amnesty scheme of six months because a large number of appraisers still cannot take advantage of its benefits.
Even though the scheme has been extended three months, we are fine.
With that and will take advantage of the benefits of relief with the cost of delay.
“Rajkumar Singla, President of the Association of Feeding Suppliers, Ludhiana,” We thank the Ministry of Finance to accept our request.
The due date for the submission of revocation of the canceled GST figures has been extended by one month, But the government must also consider returning delay costs that have been paid by taxpayers when the amnesty scheme does not exist.

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