Relision tells the Macron nuclear talks must guarantee the ‘right’ of Iran – News2IN

Relision tells the Macron nuclear talks must guarantee the ‘right’ of Iran

Tehran: The new President of Iran’s Ebrahim Relisi on Monday told his partner France, Emmanuel Macron, that negotiations with the world’s power to revive the 2015 nuclear agreement must guarantee Tehran’s “right”.
“In any negotiation, the rights of the Iranian people must be established and the interests of the nation we ensure,” said the Relision in a telephone call for one hour, according to the Iranian presidency website.
This is the first call of the relision reported by a Western leader since he served last week.
The Relision took over from Hassan Rouhani, a moderate whose importance during the presidency of the two terms was the 2015 nuclear agreement, which provided international sanction assistance in exchange for the limitations of the Tehran nuclear program.
Former US President Donald Trump made an agreement three years later with unilaterally interesting Washington from it and pushed back the destruction sanctions.
Six rounds of nuclear talks between Iran and the world’s power were held in Vienna between April and June in an effort to revive the agreement.
The last round concluded on June 20, without the date set for another.
Iranian officials said negotiations would not be continued before the new government took over, while an EU official said on weekends that the meeting could be continued in Vienna from the beginning of September.
The remaining parties are British, Chinese, French, German and Russian.
“Americans clearly violate their obligations by imposing new sanctions,” said the Relision to Macron, while also emphasizing “failure” of European members from an agreement to help Iran avoid US sanctions.
Responding to US sanctions imposed, Tehran resigned from most of its main nuclear commitment based on an agreement.
During the ceremony swore on Thursday, the Relision repeated the official position of Tehran that it was only pursuing “peaceful” nuclear technology, and said that he would support “diplomatic plans” to lift sanctions in his country.
Tehran recently also faced warnings and charges of Israel and its allies for a deadly tanker attack, which denied responsiveness.
Mercer Street MT, a oil product tanker operated by Israel-controlled Zodiac maritime, was hit on July 29 from Oman Beach.
Two crew members, Britons and a Romanian, were killed.
Iran has warned Israel not to take military action against him after his enemies threatened Tehran for a tanker attack.
“The Islamic Republic is very serious about providing security and maintaining prevention in the Persian Gulf and the Ocean Sea,” said the Relision to Macron, without referring directly to the incident or accusation.
Iran “will face elements that seize the security area,” he added.

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