‘Remove wild residents from Central Park, not hotels’ – News2IN

‘Remove wild residents from Central Park, not hotels’

'Remove wild residents from Central Park, not hotels'
Written by news2in

Jaipur: At one time, when the Jaipur Development Authority (JDA) has planned to undermine the historic Laxmi Vilas Building, Central Park Bachao Sangharsh Samiti accuses JDA not eliminating ecological-threatening encroachment.
The religious structure is thought to violate the large limit of land parks.
These illegal religious places operate in the central park by building permanent walls.
President Samiti said, “Central Park interrupted and misused by various anti-social elements on behalf of religion and vehicles taken within the banned garden area.
This has resulted in ecological degradation and Greenbelt developed after serious efforts from many eligable people.” Samiti is increasingly alleged that the Central Park area is a zone without construction and no development can be increased in accordance with the high court orders in 1996.
But certain people cause prejudice to the rights and interests of the community in general, have violated the land illegally with Build religious structures.
“Because the title and ownership of the Central Park is JDA, it is the obligation of JDA to maintain and maintain the watch on encroachment.
But there is no effort made to save the park,” said another Samiti member.
Samiti further accused that the central park was the heart of the city and JDA had failed to let go of his responsibilities, because of the horse cage to a private club, everything operates in a park which is a public property.
Polo golf courses and management also explore the parking spaces and garden spaces side by side with the club.

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