Report find ‘striking similarity’ with Mangaluru accident 2010 – News2IN

Report find ‘striking similarity’ with Mangaluru accident 2010

Report find 'striking similarity' with Mangaluru accident 2010
Written by news2in

Mumbai: The Air India Express Crash Kozhikode in August last year has ‘striking similarity’ with Air India Express Mangaluru that occurred in May 2010, said the final investigation report recently released into Kozhikode accident.
The plane accident investigation bureau in the Kozhikode 281 final report was conducted on forty references to Mangaluru accidents and recommendations issued later by the investigation court.
“Ten years later, it was once again the same aerodrome tablet, the same airline, the same type of aircraft that landed ‘an unstable approach’ and touched the last half of the foundation and resulted in other major disasters,” Kozhikode accident final report.
Civil Aviation Organizations International Appendix-13 which sets the standards and practices to carry out an investigation of aircraft accidents stated that the only objective of the investigation must be to prevent the same incident in the future.
The investigation court appointed into the Mangaloru accident because it has made several recommendations.
But the Cozhikode Investigation Team found that a number of prominent recommendations were not fully intended.
Among the ignored recommendations were having a permanent pilot based on important stations.
For example, even though Air India Express operates maximum flights from Kozhikode airport, it only posts one The captain was against 26 first officers, said Kozhikode Crash Report.
Crash Kozhikode flight commander who is not destined to be scheduled to fly to the next day.
It seems like he turned the plane to another airport, he would not be available to operate flights the next day and he realized that there was no additional captain at the base, besides himself to operate the flight, the report said.
Another important aspect is firmness training for the first officer.
In cozhikode accidents, co-pilots failed to take control of the commander, although the latter continued with unsafe offspring to land.
In connection with the recommendation of airport infrastructure, ten years later, no Mangaluru airport also did not have runway center lines.
The airport does not have a soft area outside the surface runway paved to stop excessive planes.
The flight regulator, the flight inspector was asked to carry out a frequent inspection in the sector involving flights to the runway on the table.
But the Cozhikode investigation team did not find a flying check conducted by DGCA from January 2019 to June 2020 at this critical airport.

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