Republican Party Ignore Capitol Riot Probe After Pelosi rejected Jim Jordan, Jim Banks – News2IN

Republican Party Ignore Capitol Riot Probe After Pelosi rejected Jim Jordan, Jim Banks

Republican Party Ignore Capitol Riot Probe After Pelosi rejected Jim Jordan, Jim Banks
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: The Top Republican Party at the Representative Representative Council Wednesday on Wednesday attracted five nominations to serve in the special committee investigating the deadly January 6 attack on the Capitol after the speaker of the Democratic home of Nancy Pelosi rejected two of them.
Pelosi previous rejected Jim Jordan and Jim Banks representatives, defending the former former President Donald Trump, from serving in the panel who investigated Trump’s supporters who attacked Congress in an effort to stop the election of President Joe Biden.
“By respecting the integrity of investigations, with the insistence on the truth and with concerns about the statements made and the actions taken by this member, I have to reject the recommendations of the representative bank and Jordan to the Select Committee,” said Pelosi in a statement.
“Nature that unprecedented on January 6 demanded this unprecedented decision.” Peloci created a 13-member panel after the Republican rejected previously to make a bipartisan panel to investigate violence, which saw hundreds of Trump supporters invaded the building, attacking the police, destroying the window and sending Mike Pence parliamentarians for security.
“The Republican Party will not party for their false process and instead will pursue our own investigation of the facts,” said the minority leader of Kevin McCarthy’s house in an interesting statement of nominance.
Pelosi had previously appointed a Republic, Liz Cheney, to the panel.
Pelosi said he would receive three nominations McCarthy – Representative Rodney Davis, Kelly Armstrong and Troy Nehls – and asked him to choose two new members.
Jordan was the main supporters of Trump who served as one of the main defenders for two Impeachment trials, the latter was responsible for inciting Capitol Riot.
The Senate controlled by the Republic will free Trump second times.
Four people died on day of violence, one was shot dead by the police and three other natural causes.
A capitol police officer who had been attacked by the demonstrators died the next day.
Two police officers who responded to the attack on Capitol then took their own life.
More than a hundred police officers were injured.

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