Resident GUJ Docs Strike: All restrictions on several tasks join – News2IN

Resident GUJ Docs Strike: All restrictions on several tasks join

Ahmedabad: The deadlock between the population and the state government was completed on Thursday because the majority of the striking doctors continued their duties or promised to do so.
Privy’s source for development said the doctor’s faction still has not supported a ceasefire, but the majority of doctors throughout the country accepted the state government offer.
Doctors in Rajkot, Letters, Vadodara, Jamnagar, and Bhavnagar continued their duties, while in Ahmedabad, a senior doctor agreed upon to the proposal.
The bearer of the Junior Doctor Office (JDA) cannot be contacted even though some attempts to find out their attitude.
On Thursday, the State Health Department issued a GR where they mentioned that the senior residency doctor (SR) the years of the doctor would be considered as part of the bond period in the ratio of 1: 1.
They will also get representatives in the district or sub-district hospital and only Will get allowances for that, Sans Da or other benefits.
“The doctors on the bond must complete the period according to the new settings.
This setting is only for batch 2021 and will not function as a precedent for the future.
The provisions of the senior live will remain the same, ‘Grad.
The GR also revoked the order to the doctor to empty the hostel.

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