Restrictions begin, the election will be held soon at J & K: Amit Shah – News2IN

Restrictions begin, the election will be held soon at J & K: Amit Shah

Restrictions begin, the election will be held soon at J & K: Amit Shah
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The Minister of Home Union Amit Shah said on Saturday that the process of limiting in Jammu and Kashmir had begun and the election would be held soon.
Speaking almost at the launch of a good governance index in Jammu and Kashmir, Minister of Union said, “Restrictions have begun and soon elections will be held.
I have provided guarantees at Lok Sabha that as soon as the situation becomes normal in Jammu and Kashmir and state will be given Return to Jammu and Kashmir.
“Shah is increasingly slamming the leaders for doing propaganda and saying that they do this for their own political benefits.
“Many leaders have spoken wrong and doing propaganda.
I want youth to ask, Crores of Investment has come, tourists have come and they do propaganda for their own political benefits.
Democracy has reached the grassroots level why they do propaganda and this youth should not Listen to them, “he said, accusing political parties involved in fake propaganda.
“Today is an important day for the country as what you have started with Jammu and Kashmir will go to other parts of the country.
I want to tell the Jammu people and Kashmir that the union area will go through the main transformation.
Minister Narendra Modi always Thinking, “Shah added when he praised PM Modi’s vision for the union area.
“There have been changes after 2019, there are 87 MLAs in the Union region and only three families who rule but today there are 30000 public representatives.
These families say that after revocation of article 370 the situation in Jammu and Kashmir has deteriorated but I have deteriorated but I .
Want to tell them that there was a 40 percent decline in incidents related to terror and a decrease of 87 percent in murder, “said Amit Shah.
“I want to ask these three families why they can’t do it in the past years Mehbooba Mufti.
He further said that people receive direct benefits from the government scheme in the United area.
Shah says Jammu and Kashmir is one of the five countries Section and UTS in India in carrying out the central scheme and Governor of Lieutenant Sinha to make Jammu and Kashmir perform.
“Some development work was being carried out in Jammu and Kashmir.
Records of the number of tourists visiting Jammu and Kashmir this year.
People accept the direct benefits of the government scheme, “said Shah.
The BUTH minister said that the implementation of the central government and state government scheme at the district level was important for the development.
Shah said that there would be a healthy competition in the district that would help develop regional and regional development This will benefit the people.
With tourism the initiative PM Modi has been proud of in UT as 1,13,000 tourists visit UT.
“This year noted the number of tourists has come but these leaders do propaganda so that tourists will not come to Jammu and Kashmir.
I want to tell those who force young people to go to Pakistan for MBBS that nine medical colleges have emerged UT and 1,100 seats have been added.
I appeal to the youth of the valley to come and walk on the path of development by PM Modi and not listening to this propaganda spread, “he said.
Shah released a good district governance index for 20 Jammu and Kashmir districts, a step that will bring Jammu and Kashmir region The first Union in the country to have a good governance index.
Minister of Union Jitendra Singh and Lieutenant Governor Jammu and Kashmir Manoj Sinha are also present at the event Kashmir in pursuing the announcement carried out in the resolution of “Behtar e-Lawatat – Kashmir Aelamia” was adopted on July 2, 2021, in the region the conference on the replication of good governance practices was held in Srinagar.
Exercise on the formulation of a good-district governance index will move on July 2021 which has now finished and Jammu and Kashmir will be the area per The first unit in this country to have a good governance index.
The good district governance index of the Jammu and Kashmir government is the main administrative reform in governance benchmarks which are good at the district level and significant steps for time collection and publication of timely statistics at the state / district level.
The good district governance index is a milestone and is expected to provide a strong framework for evidence-based assessment of the performance of all districts in Jammu and Kashmir.

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