Retired judge sc can be paid more in 2 hours thanserving one – News2IN
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Retired judge sc can be paid more in 2 hours thanserving one

Retired judge sc can be paid more in 2 hours thanserving one
Written by news2in

New Delhi: If there is travesty about the same working principle, the same payment, someone does not need to switch to urban disparities in the interior as a comparison of compensation paid to the Supreme Court judge to hear and decide for a case and for senior advocates because they argue the width raises , Judge SC received a salary of Rs 2.5 lakh a month, which managed to become around Rs 8,333 per day, where he heard the argument from the lawyer on average in 40 cases.
This means Rs 208 per case, both simple appeal, pills on Covid problems, or one involving complicated questions.
On the contrary, the newly appointed senior advocate ordered the price of Rs 1 Lakh to Rs 5 Lakh because of debating the case.
Services from experienced advocates such as M Singhvi, Kapil Sibal, beat Rohatgi or Salve Harish can find a balance of litergan balances lighter by Rs 10 Lakh-20 lakh per trial.
So a Judge SC, who heard and decided a case, got Rs 208 per day per case while experienced senior advocates, who could not guarantee the results in a case, paid in lakh rupees per day per day per day per day per day per day per day per day per day per day per day per day per day per day days per day per day per day.
Well, there are no senior advocates who argue in 40 cases a day, where Judge SC prepares every night to be ready to listen to the legal argument the following day.
This is the reason why many SC judges look forward to their retirement, which allows them to offer legal expertise as arbitrators, or, in this case, provide valued opinions to multinational companies and companies on legal issues in their operations in India, or in disputes arising from contracts, agreements and mous.
Retired Judge SC produces between RS 2 Lakh and Rs 5 Lakh for two hours sitting as an arbitrator and there are some who do three sitting every day to match income from senior advocates that are quite successful.
A retired head of Indian justice ordered a little more than retired SC judge while doing the task of an arbitrator.
In giving opinions, a retired SC judge received between RS 5 Lakh and Rs 10 Lakh while each opinion of Pension Cji picked him up at 10-20 lakh.
A Retired Cji claimed to Bei: “I did three to four months of opinion and produced between Rs 30-50 lakh, the money that was unthinkable for the judge sitting.
I enjoyed a lot of charity.
However, I am left with which amount.
More than money funds The novel I got in retirement after giving services for more than two decades as a constitutional court judge.
“The only difference between senior advocates and Judge SC, in terms of compensation, is a broad zone lutyens bungalow and the free assistant service.
Some bungalows given to Judge SC were built on two hectares of land.
CJI future, in honest conversation, said, “The benefits and perquisit given to the judges are far better than those provided in the 1980s.
There are no individual vehicles given to Judge SC.
But now the facilities are comparable to those available Judges Such a judge from other countries.
Low salary but facilities redeem it.

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