‘Return to the country’: PM order for fugitive economic violators – News2IN
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‘Return to the country’: PM order for fugitive economic violators

'Return to the country': PM order for fugitive economic violators
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday sent a difficult message to high profile economic violators who had left the country, said the government used all channels to bring them back to India.
Speaking of the symposium on credit streams and economic growth, the Prime Minister said that the government relied on the law and diplomacy to bring the fugitive justice.
“In our efforts to bring back the fugitive (economic violators), we rely on policies and laws and also use diplomatic channels.
The message is very clear – back to your country.
We continue this effort,” he said.
The government has increased efforts to extradite high profile economic violators such as Vijay Mallya, NIRAV Modi and Mehul Choksi, desirable for their role in bank fraud and money laundering.
The Prime Minister said the government had restored nearly Rs 5 Lakh Crore from absent through proactive steps.
“The reconstruction company of the national asset recently established (NARCL) will help complete RS 2 Lakh Crore stress assets,” he added.
Supporting wealth, work creators: PM to Bank Prime Minister said Bank’s financial health is now in a widely enhanced condition because the government since 2014 found a way to overcome the problems they face.
“Indian banks are strong enough to play a major role in providing fresh energy to the country’s economy, because it provides a big boost and makes India Mandiri.” This is a time for you to support the creator of wealth and work creators.
This is the need for hours that Indian banks work proactively to increase the country’s wealth sheets along with their balance sheets, “he said.
Overcoming the banker at the event, PM Modi said banks have now adopted a partnership model to help businesses develop and move away from The idea of ​​becoming a “apprecess” loan to a “applicant” loan.
He also nudged bankers to offer “special solutions” to business and micro and medium enterprises (MSMEs).
“Don ‘Wait for customers to come to the bank.
You have to go to them, “he said.
(With input from PTI)

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