Ride: Leading Doctors die from suicide in Varanasi – News2IN

Ride: Leading Doctors die from suicide in Varanasi

Ride: Leading Doctors die from suicide in Varanasi
Written by news2in

VARANATION: The leading doctor Dr.
Parag Bajpayi (53) allegedly shot himself dead with his licensed pistol in his bathroom in Varanasi on Sunday night, police said on Monday.
ACP, Bhelupur, Pravin Kumar Singh said, “His family members immediately took him to the hospital, where the doctor said he died.” “We are investigating the problem after sending the body to post-mortem.
After the initial investigation, it was suspected that Dr.
Bajpayi was upset about some family problems,” the officer added.
Bajpayi, a resident of Kaivalyadham colony under the Bhelupur police station and his wife, Dr.
Vani Bajpayi has a hospital.
On Sunday late at night, the police received a warning that Dr.
Bajpayi shot himself after locking himself in the bathroom from inside.

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