Rise above politics, use the Monsun session to prepare for the third wave of Coronavirus, Chairman of the Venkaiiah Naidu Hospital told MPs of Parliament – News2IN

Rise above politics, use the Monsun session to prepare for the third wave of Coronavirus, Chairman of the Venkaiiah Naidu Hospital told MPs of Parliament

Rise above politics, use the Monsun session to prepare for the third wave of Coronavirus, Chairman of the Venkaiiah Naidu Hospital told MPs of Parliament
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Chairman of Rajya Sabha M Venakaiah Naidu on Monday urged parliamentarians to rise above political considerations and to take advantage of an effective rainy season session to ensure India is better prepared to overcome the third wave of Coronavirus, should it regard the country.
In his remarks on the first day of one of the rainy season sessions, Naidu said the house offered the opportunity to resonate with the pain, aspirations and expectations of people from parliament in their time.
“Political parties are the center of our democracy and parliament is undoubtedly a political institution in that sense.
But it is far more than given by the parliamentary mandate.
It should not be driven by political considerations.
Pain, suffering, aspirations and expectations of the people, Our parliamentary democratic customers will heat up the legislative function of Apex, “Naidu said.
He also said the government and all parts of the house need to “reflect constructively” during events since last year’s pandemic outbreak through discussions informed about all aspects of the problem.
“We are all being tested and I hope we free themselves by making sure the Monsun session is productive,” he added.
The Chair of the RS said that 224 members, accounting for 97% of the total was vaccinated so far.
These include 207 parliamentarians who have taken vaccine doses and additional 17 who have taken their first jab.
The remaining MPS cannot take JAB for medical reasons.
Apart from vaccination, Naidu urges members to comply with Covid behavior norms and lead by giving an example.
Naidu also told the house that the kept office related to the department under Rajya Sabha had reported their best performance so far during the inter-session period.
He said 7 Rajya Sabha committee held 20 meetings.
He also told the house that the average attendance and duration of migrants also increased, referring to his letter to the Chairperson of the Rajya Sabha Committee in February this year, urging them to ensure an average duration of 2 hours 30 minutes and the presence of 50% per meeting.
The average presence in the meeting during the inter-session period was around 49%, with the holding trade committee 6 meeting, followed by the Educational Committee, Women, Children, Youth and Sports, which held 3 meetings.
In connection with the presence, the education committee with 60.21%, followed by the Transportation, Tourism and Culture Committee with the presence of 54.83% and committees on personnel, public complaints, law & justice with the presence of 51.78%.

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