Robot Operations Helps Fix Food Pipes in Jodhpur AIims – News2IN

Robot Operations Helps Fix Food Pipes in Jodhpur AIims

Robot Operations Helps Fix Food Pipes in Jodhpur AIims
Written by news2in

Jodhpur: The broken food pipe from a young patient was successfully treated with robot surgery at AIIMS Jodhpur.
Patients have consumed acid in accidentally and have severe food pipes.
According to the doctor in AIIMS, this is the first example in the world where complete robot operations are successfully carried out for damaged food pipes with acid intake.
Because of the right robot techniques and controls, patients have less bleeding during operation and less pain after surgery.
He began to be given food four days after surgery and was dismissed six days after surgery.
The doctor removes a broken food pipe in a robot and replaced it with a new food pipe made from the stomach, called the ‘Ivor-Lewis’ operation in medical terms.
This complicated surgery was carried out with only four 8mm incisions in the surgical gastroenterology department.
Professor M K Garg, AIIMS medical supervisor, said that the person had consumed nine months acid which led to the damage to the food pipeline.
“Because of this damage, he can’t eat and be fed through the tube put on the stomach,” Garg said.
Generally, operations for this condition are carried out with a long incision in the neck, chest and stomach which causes significant pain causing slow recovery from unsightly operations and scars after surgery.
Garg said that the idea of ​​doing this case fully used the robot made by a surgical gastroenterology department surgery team.

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