Rohtak Murder: The family has breakfast together before the 20-year-old shoot them one by one – News2IN

Rohtak Murder: The family has breakfast together before the 20-year-old shoot them one by one

Rohtak Murder: The family has breakfast together before the 20-year-old shoot them one by one
Written by news2in

Rohtak: It was 10:30 a.m.
on August 27.
Like another day, Abhishek (20) finished breakfast with his family, including his father, mother and motherhood, while his younger sister, Neha (19), slept in his room on the top floor of their house in the Vijay Nagar Rohtak area.
After breakfast, he slipped into his brother’s room, turned on the television and fired a shot at his head from the gun, his father would remain in the TV drawer, releasing the chain of murder.
After shooting at his sister, a 20-year-old police said, police said, locked her room, down and invited her grandmother, Roshni Devi (70), to her room with the pretext of playing the guitar for her.
Once he entered the room, he shot him at the temple.
The bullet penetrated and hit the opposite wall, kill him instantly, added the police.
The 20-year-old child then went down and acted as if nothing had happened.
Five minutes later, when his mother, Santosh (40), asked about the Septuagenarian, he just pointed to the second floor with his hand.
He witnessed when his mother climbed the stairs before following him to the room where Roshni Devi died in a pool of blood.
He then drew revolver and fired it too, police said.
After locking the door, Abhishek allegedly dropped down where Pradeep, father and property dealer, was resting on Charpoy, did not realize what had happened.
Abhishek sat next to him with a pillow in his lap, pulling his revolver from the bottom and shot his father threefold, according to the police investigation.
Police said Abhishek had used his father’s revolver to eliminate his family after they allegedly opposed same-sex relationships and his plan to undergo gender change operations.
Two years ago, Abhishek allegedly came out as homosexual but his parents did not approve of it, a police officer said.
After the triple kill on August 27, Abhishek allegedly went to a motel near bypass Delhi with his girlfriend, from where he turned his parents and then called his mother’s uncle to tell him that his parents did not pick up the phone and he was worried.
He returned home, called his neighbor and rushed to his sister to PGI, who gave up on his injury two days later.
Abhishek was arrested on September 2, five days after the incident.
The police have focused attention at the age of 20 when he continued to change his statement.
“Abhishek stayed with us until the police arrested him on Thursday.
We were surprised and did not believe that he was able to do something like this.
His parents really loved him and gave him everything he wanted,” said Uncle and neighboring Abhishek.
On Saturday, the Station House Officer (Sho) of Balwant Singh from the Shiva Ji police station in Rohtak said, “Abhishek is in our detention and we hold a counseling session to understand the psychology.
We are also investigating the involvement of others in crime, including ABHishEk’s girlfriend.
“According to the police, Abhishek’s girlfriend came to Rohtak from Uttarakhand on August 25.
The two young men were classmates during the airline cabin crew course and had fallen in love, after Abhishek who had decided to undergo gender change operations.

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