Row quota maratha throws a shadow on the debate of the OBC bill in parliament – News2IN

Row quota maratha throws a shadow on the debate of the OBC bill in parliament

Written by news2in

New Delhi: Although the problem of the country, Maharashtra’s politics and Maratha order has given a shadow on parliamentary discussions on the 127th constitutional amendment bill, because it places a politically full of removal of 50% on national order in national and political politics forced parties to survive.
Maharashtra who ruled allies – Shiv Sena, NCP and Congress – reached various parties before the debate, with the request that they put 50% their hats.
Most regional clothes will not need a lot of invitations because they see it from a large OBC votebase lens even if they realize that the main motivation of Maharashtra allies is an annoying Maratha reservation, which seems impossible with the quota.
“We are very happy with what we manage,” said the main supporting campaign to Ti.
Although 50% of the lid has become a resource of the heartburn between the mandal clothes, their anger has spilled after the validity of the 10% EWS quota (top caste), which has taken the quantum of the total quota outside the half-way sign.
References to EWS are discovered in most legal arguments to increase the OBC quota.
Interestingly, while aggression Maratha is a catalyst for consensus, this problem seems to expose caste errors in Maharashtra.
Subtext Debate Lok Sabha was not lost in political class as Shiv Sena, NCP and Congress gave birth to Maratha to speak while BJP chose OBC non-maratha in Pritam Munde to lead the charge.
Munde said the 50% hat problem would come later but asked why the three allies focused on one community (Maratha) even though the bill being discussed was about OBC.
He said it was a powerful allied to explain the arguments they served in the Supreme Court and why they failed.
While there were reports that he opposed the maratha quota, Munde told Tii: “I am always for maratha reservations.
I will always support Maratha reservations, without disturbing OBC reservations.” Munde, however, cupped a request about why BJP chose OBC to speak, while the people Rivals choose Mapha MPS.
He is the daughter of the BJP leader who is late by Gopinath Munde, and the family has strong followers in the state.

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