RS 1 CR Grant College Bag – News2IN

RS 1 CR Grant College Bag

Written by news2in

Coimbatore: Congkan ENGINEERING CONTAH based Cellagi has pocketed the Government of the Government Grant worth Rs 1 Crore to conduct research on waste management technology.
The college has proposed to convert plastic waste to fuel and char through the hydrothermal disbursement process.
It has sent a proposal, titled ‘Design and Development of Continuous High Pressure Screw Reactor for Alkali Co-Liquefaction Hydrothermal from Plastic Waste in Lignoselulous Biomass, with the Technology Development Program Ministry of Science and Technology last November.
“Under the project, we will convert plastic waste to fuel and char use the hydrothermal disbursement process.
Char will be converted into carbon electrodes, which can be used in several ways, including batteries.
This research will be carried out with the help of the industry that will give us plastic waste and provide analytical support, “said Professor and Head of Food Technology Department V Chitra Devi.
“Unlike other methods, one of the main advantages of this process is that materials with moist levels can also be fed and as a result, we do not need to waste moist waste.
So, we will feed agro waste, along with plastic waste , In the process.
“” The three-year project will be useful when we look for alternative energy sources because of the increase in fuel prices and to manage plastic waste, “he added.

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