RS 1 Lakh for College achieves 100% vaccination first – News2IN

RS 1 Lakh for College achieves 100% vaccination first

RS 1 Lakh for College achieves 100% vaccination first
Written by news2in

Letter: Encouraging a harder vaccination drive, Municipal Corporation (SMC) has announced the RS 1 Lakh award as a gift to college which will reach a hundred percent vaccination first.
Two other universities each will get Rs 75,000 and Rs 50,000 each in the next 15 days.
The top SMC officials suspect that most of the universities in the city have not reached a target of 100 percent.
“The SMC will invite universities from a 100 percent vaccination of all individuals who qualify.
The first three outstanding will be given a prize money,” said Banchhanidhi Pani, Commissioner of the city of the city.
According to the criteria, all individuals who qualified including students, teachers, administration and other campus staff must be vaccinated.
Civil officials will hold a meeting with the Principal at Veer Narmad South Gujarat University (VNSGU).
On the other hand, 55-year-old Kenyan residents were isolated at the Municipal Institute of Medical Education and Research (Smimer) letter after he tested Covid-19 positive on Friday.
NRI, an accountant, has come to Mumbai for his brother’s care and then reached the city through the road where he tested positively in the test carried out in the private laboratory.
“Even though Kenya is not among the ‘risky countries’, but it has been accepted in isolation as a patient’s precaution and safety measure.
However, he did not show symptoms,” said a health official.
Among the eight new cases reported on Saturday, six have a history of travel visiting Ahmedabad, Rajasthan and Kerala.
The 1.5 lakh box takes 2nd jab for eating oil gifts.
One liter of vegetable oil for advanced people to take the second dose of the vaccine lure more than 1.5 lakh people.
A total of 6.13 lakh is expected to take the second dose before November 26 when the scheme was launched by Municipal Corporation (SMC) with unstoppable YUVA support.
“Immediately vaccination numbers up and the number dropped to 4.6 lakh,” said a health official.

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