RS 100-CR Purib Deficacy Suit for Kirit – News2IN

RS 100-CR Purib Deficacy Suit for Kirit

RS 100-CR Purib Deficacy Suit for Kirit
Written by news2in

Mumbai: Minister of Shiv Sena Anil Paratab on Tuesday slapped the defamation notice of the leader BJP Kirit Somaiya who was looking for damage to Rs 100 Crore to make allegations unfounded against him.
Parab has asked Somaiya to submit a written apology within 72 hours and remove all tweet slander to it.
Among the several charges against Puriab, Somaiya has claimed that the Minister has built an illegal resort in Dapoli in Ratnagiri and illegal offices in Mhada land in Bandra (e).
On one of his tweets, BJP leaders even referred to Puriab as ‘Minister of Vasoolo’.
In his notification, Paraab said that Somaiya had pampered itself in publishing false and reckless accusations about social media regarding the construction of a resort in Dapoli who had no connection.
Notifications released by lawyers Parab Sushma Singh stated: “…
Preparing an unconditional and unconditional apology in writing …
Attracting all unfounded charges and imputation of slander and satire made by you to my clients …
in at least two English.

Hindi newspaper and Marathi …
and also post a written apology in your Twitter handle.
“” In the case you fail to meet the request …
in 72 hours after receiving this notification, my client will be limited to adopting The solution is in the Civil and / or Criminal Process of you included for the current damage to Rs 100 Crore with clarification that such damage, at the time of award, was sent by our clients to the state of Maharashtra for assistance work, “he added.

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