Rs 2.19-Crore Help for Kin Accident Victims – News2IN

Rs 2.19-Crore Help for Kin Accident Victims

Written by news2in

Thiruvananthapuram: Claim Motorcycle Claim Court here on Wednesday ordered RS 219 Crore compensation to be paid to the family of a young software engineer who was killed in an accident in 2017.
The parents and wife of the 28-year-old pranav kundaman are beneficiaries.
Pranaav was killed when his vehicle was knocked down by a bought truck from behind at the Maruthankuzhy Bridge on April 24, 2017.
He climbed home after dropping his wife at work.
Judge N Seshadrinathan, who issued an order, has directed the general insurance of Chola M to pay the amount of compensation, where Tipper Trafi was insured.
Advocate Shafafuzha, representing the Pranav family before the court, said that the amount of compensation was determined by the court considering the young age and high qualification of the deceased.
Pranaav works as a senior analyst with Dell International in their Bangalore office.
He is a very skilled professional issued by the company through campus recruitment.
He rose to a higher position in the company in a short time because of his hard work and intelligence.
These factors are considered by the court during hearing.
Dell International also helps during hearing by producing relevant documents that prove their expertise.
The trial began before the court in November 2017.
The actual amount of compensation was determined by the court was Rs 1.59 Crore.
The final number of Rs 2.19 Crore is reached by adding an interest rate of 8% from November 2017.
Compensation will be equally divided among Pranaav parents and his wife reshma.

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