Russian parkplanes exercise bombing enemy ships in black sea training – News2IN

Russian parkplanes exercise bombing enemy ships in black sea training

Russian parkplanes exercise bombing enemy ships in black sea training
Written by news2in

Moscow: Russian fighter aircraft practiced enemy ship bombings in the Black Sea during training training, Russia said on Saturday, in the middle of the western friction over NATO training in the region and followed the recent incident with an English warship.
Moscow last week challenged the HMS defender rights to pass the waters near Crimea, something London said it had the right to do it.
Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 but most of the world still admitted as part of Ukraine.
Russia said the ship illegally entered the territorial waters and accused London “provocation”.
Moscow said it could bomb the British naval ship if there were more actions such as the British Navy from Crimea.
On Saturday, the Russian Black Sea Fleet said combat aircraft from the flight unit and the South Military District had taken part in training training.
“The crew of the plane conducts flight training on the Black Sea, practicing missiles and bombing attacks on the simulated enemy vessels,” the word was quoted by the Ria news agency.
Exercises involving the aircraft including Sukhoi Su-30sm versatile fighters, Sukhoi Su-24m, Sukhoi Su-34 Sukhoi Su-27 fighters and jets, the report said.
This exercise came as NATO, Ukraine and the Allies did their large-scale sea breeze exercises in the region.
The drill-exercise was arranged to last two weeks and involved around 5,000 military personnel from NATO and other allies, and around 30 ships and 40 aircraft, with destroyers of US Ross missiles and the US Marine Corps who participated.
Moscow asked for training to be canceled and the Russian Ministry of Defense said it would react to maintain national security if necessary.

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