Sachin Waze’s quiz Anil Deshmukh but made it a boring business – News2IN

Sachin Waze’s quiz Anil Deshmukh but made it a boring business

Sachin Waze's quiz Anil Deshmukh but made it a boring business
Written by news2in

Mumbai: For the assistant assistant police who dismissed Waze Sachin, it was a different type of “meeting” when he questioned the former Minister of Home Anil Deshmukh on Friday, but it turned out to be a benign business without any difficult questions.
It was a rare opportunity to abort Deshmukh, it was also before the Judicial Commission, but he failed to take advantage of the situation.
Most of the questions are routine and administrative in nature, and as police officers, he failed to get sensitive information about the role of former Police Commissioner Mumbai Param Singh related to the accusations made by Singh about the target of Rs 100 Crore Set by him (Deshmukh).
Singh did write a letter to CM who made allegations in March last year, but before the panel, he said he did not want to lead evidence or cross-witnesses.
As well as the original plan, Waze’s advice Yogesh Naidu is expected to check Deshmukh’s cross on Wednesday.
When he was not present, the case was postponed for Friday.
Again, his advice did not exist, after the justice where K Chandawal explained that there would be no more delays and stinging themselves to carry out a cross-examination of former ministers at home.
Called for and check it out.
Chandwal was investigating 20 ‘letter’ bombs’ Singh against Deshmukh.
Deshmukh told the panel that after taking over the house department, he gathered the details of the department below and studied the main problems.
“This is routine practice.
After assuming the cost, I get information from officials …
I did not recall to whom Sanjeev Palande was appointed as a personal secretary.
Then there are 4-5 people, but I appoint Palande without an interview,” Dishmukh said.
Deshmukh said when he saw Singh’s letter, he suggested to CM, he set the investigation commission because the accusation was wrong.
“I learned about the resolution on the committee when published.
I did not party for the decision, but on my advice, the Commission was established,” he said.
When Waze asked him whether the Police Commissioner Mumbai reported to DGP, Dishmukh said according to the police manual, he had to do it.
When Waze asked him how he (Waze) was appointed with Ciu’s head, Deshmukh said he was told that Waze was under a suspension for 14-15 years and after recovery, he was appointed to lead Ciu.
In general, if the officer suspended was restored, he posted to the side branch.
Waze was appointed based on Singh oral instructions.
When CIU must have the rank of the police inspector, the Commissioner with Santosh Rastogi took objections to his appointment.
When Waze asked if there were rules, the fire could not lead Ciu, Deshmukh said there must be, which pushed Rastogi to overwhelm objections.

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