Safety concerns rise on quepem as a visitor to the heart of the Portuguese era dam – News2IN

Safety concerns rise on quepem as a visitor to the heart of the Portuguese era dam

Safety concerns rise on quepem as a visitor to the heart of the Portuguese era dam
Written by news2in

Quepem: With visitors pampering to see the Portugu era dam that overflows on the Kushawati River in Quepem, concerns are being appointed about aspects of safety.
“The authorities have built a fence just on the one hand, leaving the front of the dam open.
If someone falls from this place at a height of 7m, it will be difficult to save them because of a strong current,” said the local activist Andy Fernandes.
The fence, which since it collapsed, was extended for a distance of about 20 m from the entrance of the dam to the gate where the water was released into the paroda irrigation channel, which then continued to Guirdolym / Macasasasana.
The banks of the river near the city are tourist attractions, however, rowdy elements convey threats to the safety of visitors as they enjoy drinking parties and create interference.
Former Chairman of the Municipality of Quepem Raul Pereira told the Toi that the fence was deliberately solved by visitors who made disturbances near the dam after consuming alcohol.
Because visitors clustered in the dam to see a glimpse of the overflow dam, the area was considered unsafe for the public.
The fence, which was built four years ago, did not have an inner foundation, and therefore collapsed within two years, Fernandes said.
Another fence on both sides of a small three-meter bridge near the gate of the dam also collapsed a few years ago.
Local residents alleged that the authorities had closed their eyes to the safety of visitors.
Because of the absence of a fence, people are afraid of traveling on this bridge because it is built at a height of about 10m.
Tourists visit the dam also faces difficulties in maneuvering their vehicles and avoid traveling on the bridge because of security problems.
The authorities have beautified the dam with interrelated pavers.
However, the area is now filled with bottles of beer and cans.
Local council members Nandita Prabhudesai has run from a letter to the Chairman of the Quepem City Council as soon as the city selection asks to approach the signboard ‘without trash’ on the Dam site.

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