Samsung may have two options for the Galaxy S22 processor – News2IN

Samsung may have two options for the Galaxy S22 processor

Samsung may have two options for the Galaxy S22 processor
Written by news2in

What will happen now? Samsung fans are very worried about the next chipset that will power the Galaxy S22 flagships.
One rumor shows that it will be Snapdragon, others say Samsung will remain on Exynos 2200.
And the latest said that the company might have a plan to use both, according to the report with Fonearena, based on information obtained from TheEC, Korean website.
According to Thelec, Samsung will include Snapdragon 898 and Exynos 2200 both in the Galaxy S22 series by region.
Users in the US will get the Galaxy S22 Snapdragon 898-powered series, while those in Europe and South Korea will get the same unit, the only difference is that they will become the exynos of 2200 companies themselves.
If it is true, it looks like Samsung wants to play it safely by launching the same cellphone as a different chipset to get more customers to buy it.
Because Samsung takes the option of choice by creating a specific chipset area, it might be a victory for the company.
The previous Exynos chipset has not been well received by customers with several problems such as Hogging Batteries and Thermal Throttling reported.
To redeem error, Samsung associates in AMD and the new Exynos 2200 comes with AMD GPU with the best RDNA architecture on paper.
On the other hand, the Snapdragon chipset is generally seen stronger than the Exynos and SD 898 will definitely be a heavy lottery for users in the US.
That Samsung will reduce its losses if something unexpected happens to be most likely for now.
We must wait for the official word by the company where the chipset will power the Galaxy S22 device with.

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