Save our Contingent Plan Ready in Covid Emergency Case in Tokyo: Sai – News2IN

Save our Contingent Plan Ready in Covid Emergency Case in Tokyo: Sai

Save our Contingent Plan Ready in Covid Emergency Case in Tokyo: Sai
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Additional accommodation is being booked in Tokyo to meet quarantine requirements of the State Olympic delegation if any of them tested positive Covid-19 during the match, the Sports Authority Director General of Sandip Pradhan.
The Olympics are scheduled to start from July 23 and emergency plans have been dealing with any situation that might arise because of a raging pandemic.
“During the match, if a athlete or supporting staff tested positive, the organizers had arranged for their quarantine.
We have also discussed with IOA and asks them to book as many rooms as possible so we are fully prepared from our side.” Pradhan, who took over the year 2019 and given a two-year extension in June 2020, said in an exclusive interview.
More than 100 Indian athletes have qualified for high games and hopes despite the extraordinary situation where the event was set to be staged.
The athletes traveling from India had to undergo three hard quarantine days on arrival and daily testing during their stay in Tokyo.
Asked about his hopes of the country’s athlete in the Tokyo match, he said: “My hope cannot be different from what the Minister said.
Minister (Sports) has said that he expects the best performance.” Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju estimates the best ever shown by the country’s athletes.
The best Indian Olympic show came in 2012 when winning six medals, including two silver.
Olympic preparation has been loaded with challenges and Pradhan acknowledges that it is the task of handling logistics in the middle of a pandemic.
Also, the Covid-19 case was cut in various centers of Sai in Patiala, Bengaluru and Bhopal.
“During the second wave of many our athletes at Bhopal Center was tested positively and the doctor suggested 15-20 of them to be accepted, it was a difficult time,” Pradhan said.
During the first wave too, a number of covid positive cases reported from the center of Sai throughout the country, which prominent among them were five hockey players including the Manpreet Singh captain.
In addition to 26 athletes and four positive back support staff in Sai Patiala this year while 36 people included 24 athletes detected with Covid in Sai Bhopal.
Sai, founded in 1982 by sports services for sports development in this country, has benefits at the forefront of managing logistics in coordination with the National Federation.
Pradhan said some changes had been carried out in the style of management.
“Internally, we have brought together our work and division style.
One person handles one match.
We have made the peak (Target Olympic podium scheme) fund additional mode.” Previously there was a team of executive directors who would see everything but now we are.
has divided that division and give responsibility to one person per match, “he explained.” Administratively we have strengthened but we need to strengthen more for the next Olympic cycle.
“Pradhan said spending from Sai did not fully rise but of course it became more focused for years.” Not that we have spent a large amount of money compared to the Rio 2016 game.
The total amount spent in 2016 was quite high because after the Olympics we had 2018 Commonwealth Games and Asian Games.
But the process becomes efficient now.
“By streamlining that I mean that before the ACTC (Training Annual Calendar and Competition) was handled independently and athletes used to provide their proposals and the money was approved.” But now we have made it compulsory that NSFS must pitch in the player’s proposal.
They should recommend, “Pradhan said.
Pradhan said that Sai had started preparing for the match Paris 2024.” …
In the peak development group, we have chosen 260 to 270 athletes so that the system already exists.
We must strengthen the centers of national advantages, need to employ professional sports science.
“The process has begun to remember the Olympics 2024.”

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