Secunderabad: The day after reminding Defense Minister Rajnath Singh about the closing of the civilian road in Secunderabad Cantonment, Minister of Administration KT Rama Rama Rao raised the issue of closing the road again with the Minister of Tourism Union Ga Kissan urged him to keep the roads of millions of people open.
Commuter and locals.
In a fresh message on Twitter, KTR sent a list of 21 civilian roads closed by local military authorities (LMA) and marked a map that showed the number of roads closed for Kishan Reddy, representing Secunderhabad at Lok Sabha.
“Hopefully you (Kishan Reddy) can do justice and ensure LMA reopens all the way for the benefit of millions of our citizens,” KTR tweeted.
With KTR itself fighting for the cause, the TrS Cantonment Party cadres protested in Tadbund demanding that all civil paths be reopened.
Led by M Krishank, the newly appointed chairman of the Telangana State Development Development Corporation, the slogans shouted cadres.
Welcoming the KTR initiative, a member of the North East Colony Federation from Secunderabad (Fnecs) said: “Instead of one party, all political parties must join hands to resolve the road closure problem in the Secunderabad Cantonment.” “Our goal is to ensure the reopening of 21 public roads closed by LMA,” Secretary of Fnecs CS Chandrasekhar to Ti.
Heading towards their goals, Fnecs also launched Twitter ‘Greensainikpuri’ campaign and sent nearly 400 posts to the Ministry of Defense which highlighted LMA posture on civilian streets.
Fnecs said the reply center at Lok Sabha at only two closed roads was not acceptable.
“We have been fighting with LMA to reopen all the way.
We have appealed several times to MOD to send senior defense officials to Secunderabad Cantonment and study the issue of the closure of civil roads,” said Fnecs member.
Given the deliberation at the round table organized by the recent TII, Northeast colonies urged MA & UD special secretary of Arvind Kumar, who attended the round table, to take delegates to the mod to resolve the problem.
On Sunday, KTR tweeted on the problem marking Rajnath Singh.
Meanwhile, M Krishank Tweeted: “Sir @Ktrtrs, asking you to ask @kishanreddybjp rakan to come to the gate of Fafa …
who will prove how they lie in parliament …
residents have suffered and because of the closure of this road, children’s school – Children are forced to use the main road that has seen an accident.